Institution User Python Module

Connects a User with an Institution.

class pacifica.metadata.orm.institution_user.InstitutionUser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Relates persons and institution objects.

Name Description
user Link to the Users model
relationship Link to the Relationships model
institution Link to the Institutions model

alias of InstitutionUserDoesNotExist

_meta = <peewee.Metadata object>
_schema = <peewee.SchemaManager object>
created = <ExtendDateTimeField: InstitutionUser.created>
deleted = <ExtendDateTimeField: InstitutionUser.deleted>

Convert the hash into the object.

institution = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.institution>
institution_id = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.institution>
relationship = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.relationship>
relationship_id = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.relationship>

Convert the object to a hash.

updated = <ExtendDateTimeField: InstitutionUser.updated>
user = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.user>
user_id = <ForeignKeyField: InstitutionUser.user>
uuid = <UUIDField: InstitutionUser.uuid>
classmethod where_clause(kwargs)[source]

Where clause for the various elements.