Citations Python Module

Citations model for tracking journal articles.

class pacifica.metadata.orm.citations.Citations(*args, **kwargs)

Citations model tracks metadata for a journal article.

Name Description
article_title The title of the article
journal Link to the journal it was published in
journal_volume Journal volume for the publication
journal_issue Journal issue for the publication
page_range Pages in issue/volume was the article
abstract_text Abstract from the article in the journal
xml_text xml blob for the citation
release_authorization_id External link to authorization metadata about the released article
doi_reference Digital Object Identifier for the citation
encoding | Language this metadata is in not the
article itself

alias of CitationsDoesNotExist


Convert the object into the citation object fields.


Convert the citation fields to a serializable hash.

classmethod where_clause(kwargs)

Generate the PeeWee where clause used in searching.