Orm Python Module

Core interface for each ORM object to interface with CherryPy.

class pacifica.metadata.rest.orm.CherryPyAPI(*args, **kwargs)

Core CherryPy interface for all orm objects.


Wrapper to connect and close connection to database.


alias of CherryPyAPIDoesNotExist


Wrapper to connect and close connection to database.


Wrapper to connect and close connection to database.


Wrapper to connect and close connection to database.

static _CherryPyAPI__fix_dates(orig_obj, db_obj)

Fix the dates for insert.


Internal delete object method.


Insert object from json into the system.


Internal select method.


Set or create the object if it doesn’t already exist.

_update(update_hash, **kwargs)

Internal update method for an object.

classmethod check_for_key_existence(object_list)

Check for already loaded keys to prevent collisions.