Ingest Python Module

Core interface for the ingest of metadata objects.

Example uploaded data:

  {"destinationTable": "Transactions._id", "value": 1234},
  {"destinationTable": "Transactions.submitter", "value": 34002},
  {"destinationTable": "Transactions.project", "value": 34002},
  {"destinationTable": "Transactions.instrument", "value": 34002},
  {"destinationTable": "TransactionKeyValue", "key": "Tag", "value": "Blah"},
  {"destinationTable": "TransactionKeyValue", "key": "Taggy", "value": "Blah"},
  {"destinationTable": "TransactionKeyValue", "key": "Taggier", "value": "Blah"}
    "destinationTable": "Files",
    "_id": 34, "name": "foo.txt", "subdir": "a/b/",
    "ctime": "Tue Nov 29 14:09:05 PST 2016",
    "mtime": "Tue Nov 29 14:09:05 PST 2016",
    "size": 128, "mimetype": "text/plain"
      "destinationTable": "FileKeyValue",
      "key": "Micronic Adjustment",
      "value": "5.66%",
      "file_id": 34
    "destinationTable": "Files",
    "_id": 35, "name": "bar.txt", "subdir": "a/b/",
    "ctime": "Tue Nov 29 14:09:05 PST 2016",
    "mtime": "Tue Nov 29 14:09:05 PST 2016",
    "size": 47, "mimetype": "text/plain"

Uploader ingest API.

static PUT(*args, **kwargs)

Wrapper to connect and close connection to database.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static validate_file_meta(file_meta)

Validate the file metadata.

static validate_hash_data(hashtype, hashsum)

Validate the hashtype and hashsum are valid.

static validate_mime_type(mimetype)

Validate the mimetype string.