Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""CherryPy Status Metadata object class."""
import cherrypy
# import re
from cherrypy import tools, HTTPError
from peewee import Expression, OP
from import QueryBase
from pacifica.metadata.orm import TransSIP
from pacifica.metadata.orm.base import db_connection_decorator

[docs]class TransactionSearch(QueryBase): """Retrieves a list of all transactions matching the search criteria.""" exposed = True
[docs] @staticmethod def _search_transactions(search_terms): # build the search query from keyword bits trans = TransSIP() where_clause = Expression(1, OP.EQ, 1) query = item_count = 100 page_num = -1 for term in search_terms: value = str(search_terms[term]).replace('+', ' ') if term in ['project', 'project_id'] and value != '-1': where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause( {'project': value}) continue if term in ['instrument', 'instrument_id'] and value != '-1': where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause( {'instrument': value}) continue if term in ['start', 'start_time']: where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause( {'updated': value, 'updated_operator': 'gte'}) continue if term in ['end', 'end_time']: where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause( {'updated': value, 'updated_operator': 'lte'}) continue if term in ['user', 'user_id', 'person', 'person_id', 'submitter', 'submitter_id'] and value != '-1': where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause( {'submitter': value}) continue if term in ['transaction_id'] and value != '-1': where_clause &= TransSIP().where_clause({'_id': value}) continue if term in ['item_count'] and value != '-1': item_count = int(value) if term in ['page'] and value != '-1': page_num = int(value) query = query.where(where_clause) total_transaction_count = query.count() transaction_search_stats = { 'total_count': total_transaction_count, 'items_per_page': item_count, 'page_num': page_num } if item_count > 0 and page_num > 0: query = query.paginate(page_num, item_count) return [ for t in query], transaction_search_stats
# Cherrypy requires these named methods. # pylint: disable=invalid-name @staticmethod @tools.json_out() @db_connection_decorator def GET(option='details', **kwargs): """Return transactions for the search params.""" option = 'details' if option not in ['list', 'details'] else option kwargs = {k: v for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in QueryBase.valid_keywords} if not kwargs: message = 'Invalid transaction details search request. ' cherrypy.log.error(message) raise HTTPError( '400 Invalid Request Options', QueryBase.compose_help_block_message() ) else: transactions, transaction_search_stats = TransactionSearch._search_transactions( kwargs) results = QueryBase._get_transaction_info_blocks(transactions, option) results.update(transaction_search_stats) return results